Abbey Art

Urban Abbey continues the fine tradition of ancient Celtic abbeys.  We produce art that reflects the vision and passions of Urban Abbey.  Each of our works of art have a unique flavor but similar themes.  Every piece is a mosaic representing a theme that hints at the culture we are creating in the space where it will be displayed.   We have chosen a mosaic form for at least two reasons.  First, each radically individual component in the piece is diverse from the others - yet alone they do not speak.  Second, a singular, unified beauty arises when each piece of the work is thoughtfully placed.   In this way, each mosaic becomes a mental model portraying the community of Urban Abbey.  We embrace extreme diversity but not isolationism.  We pursue a communitarianism that does not disfigure individual identity.  The community is called into being by the presence of individuals who choose interdependence. 

Artist: Urban Abbey Community under direction of Britain Morrison.
View description HERE

Artist: Britain Morrison
View description HERE